✽ ✽ ✽ スケート デート
According to the Blythe Collection Guide Book, the inspiration for Skate Date came from seeing girls on dates at the skate rink at the Rockefeller Center in New York. Skate Date and Superior Skate have the same box design and stock so it can be tricky to tell them apart. The SBL version is smiling a little bit more, perhaps because she is happy to be back. A second date is a good reason to smile. Her stock outfit balances warmth and style, with the boots adding a mature flair and the panties adding a flirty touch. In Japanese, she is sometimes referred to as スケデ (sukede).

✽ ✽ ✽ box

Her box is a light pink with light blue snowflakes and multicolored sparkles. It features the Blythe logo in silver against an orange clover. The display window is oval-shaped.

✽ ✽ ✽ appearance

She has long curly blonde hair, parted down the center with fringe, that goes down to her waist. Her eye-shadow is light brown, and her lips and cheeks are a natural pink.

✽ ✽ ✽ items

Her stock includes:
✽ white pom-pom beanie
✽ white pom-pom scarf
✽ white coat
✽ olive-green purse
✽ white knit sweater with red trim
✽ matching shorts
✽ matching skirt
✽ tan over-the-knee sheath boots with grommets
✽ pink lace-trim thong
✽ white ice skates with red laces
✽ stand
✽ collection card