
Can Blythe wear other doll clothes?

Licca clothes are the best fit; both dolls until recently were produced by Takara. The first few Neo-Blythe dolls were produced on Licca bodies. Licca's legs are slimmer than Blythes, but the inseam and waist should be around the same.

Barbie clothes tend to work well when it's something that's not meant to be form-fitting. Blythe is shorter than Barbie, and a bit stockier around the ankles. Boots can be a tight squeeze. Pants may need to be hemmed. Skipper is the best fit, but Skipper clothes can get quite expensive.

Bratz dolls are too skinny for their clothes to fit Blythe, but the Bratz Boyz doll clothes are a really great fit, especially for pants. They also offer a look that I don't see many Blythe designers making. The price point is pretty affordable.